Global Wellness

Chiropractic Care | Lewiston, ID | Joan P. Burrow DC NMD

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Halloween Food Drive

You're invited!

Bring a food or money donation on Halloween and get a FREE Adjustment!

Our office is doing a food drive for Halloween Day! We will be giving free adjustments to anyone who brings a food or money donation for the food bank. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is hurting or needs an adjustment badly and cannot afford it at this time. Just bring a can of food and get fixed up for free! Bring your family, friends, even your dog – just make sure to bring a donation for anyone who wants to be adjusted.

We are going to make a party out of it and have good food and our staff gets to dress up in costumes.

Our hope is to see old and new friends alike and have truck loads of donations at the end of the day, so make sure you tell all your friends and family!

We hope to see you here on the 31st and Happy Halloween!

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Eating Organic Significantly Reduces Pesticides In System

At our office we strongly encourage our patients to detox and eat healthy. Having toxins in your system can cause multiple health problems. We are very excited about this study, which will hopefully bring to light how bad toxins, including pesticides, can really be for you.

A new study published in the journal Environmental Research found that eating an organic diet for a week reduced pesticide exposure.  The research was led by Dr. Liza Oates, who examined pesticide metabolites in the urine of 13 individuals who consumed a diet of at least 80% organic over 7 days, and a diet of conventional food for 7 days.  Dr. Oates’ team found that the total pesticide metabolite levels were reduced by up to 96% by eating organic, with an average reduction of 50%.  This study shows that eating an organic diet can reduce the exposure to chemicals that have been associated with health risks.  As stated by Dr. Oates, “Recent studies have raised concerns for the health effects of these chemicals even at relatively low levels.”

It’s nice to see a study showing that choosing organic can make a significant difference in your toxin levels! Hopefully this will bring forth more research in this area.

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Acid Blocking Medications

The fact that a drug is purchased ‘over the counter’ doesn’t change the fact that it is a drug.  Take, for example, that class of drugs that stop the production of acid in the stomach, widely taken for GERD (acid reflux).  The symptoms of acid reflux include heartburn, wheezing, and tightness or a feeling of food caught in the throat.  The solution is to take just one of those harmless little pills every day, stopping the production of acid in the stomach.  Voila!  No symptoms of acid reflux!  Life is now good, right?

Wrong!  There is actually a very good reason for that acid in your stomach.  Like, digesting food!  Without the acid, the protein you eat can’t be broken down.  The pH has to be very much on the acid side before the valve that lets the food out of the stomach is triggered to open, and without acid the only way that can happen is for the food in your stomach to rot (a process that doesn’t take terribly long at body temperature).  If you can still taste the food you ate for breakfast in a burp before lunch, that food is still sitting in your stomach, rotting away.

Let’s set that part of digestion aside, and look at some of the longer term problems.  Without an acid environment, calcium cannot be broken down or absorbed, no matter what food or supplement you ingest.  You need a certain level of calcium in your blood for muscles, including your heart, to relax, so your body is very good at keeping enough calcium in your blood – it steals it from your bones!.  No calcium in the diet = calcium stolen from the bones = osteoporosis.  Using this class of medication more than one year causes measurable loss of bone density.

Need more?  A recent article in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) associates long term (2 years) use of proton pump inhibitors (like Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium, and their generic and OTC equivalents) with a 65% increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, since the cells that make the stomach acid also make intrinsic factor, a protein that helps vitamin B12 be absorbed.  As you’d expect, the higher the dose of inhibitor, the higher the risk of B12 deficiency.

So, why should we worry about B12 deficiency?  Not enough B12 can lead to some very troubling ailments.  These include anemia, nerve damage, psychiatric problems and dementia, just for starters.  As we age we naturally lose the ability to produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor and to absorb B12 – which means if you are over 50, you should consider B12 supplementation even if you haven’t been on an acid blocker.

How do we get B12 in our diet?  Almost exclusively from animal tissues (vegans beware).  And, unlike most B vitamins, your body stockpiles B12, sometimes enough for 7 years – so a deficiency may not show up for a while.   If you decide to supplement B12, make sure you do so by injection or an oral spray that’s absorbed through your mouth.  B12 is the largest vitamin molecule known and isn’t passively absorbed from the digestive track.  Taking B12 in a pill is simply not effective.

So, you have GERD and knowing all of this, don’t want to take those acid blockers anymore.  While I cannot recommend that you stop taking anything that your medical doctor has prescribed, I can help you stop the acid reflux, so that you and your medical doctor together can decide to reduce or stop that medication.   Call me.  Let’s talk.

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Have you ever thought about sugar as a toxin?

Have you ever wondered why in America there is such a problem with obesity, cancer, and other major illnesses? Do you believe that part of the problem could be the food we eat? We do. The food we fuel our bodies with is not always what is best for us. One thing that is not always best for us is sugar and Americans are eating more sugar than ever.

In recent history, we have gone from 20 teaspoons of sugar per person per year to a staggering 150 pounds of sugar per person per year. That is half a pound of sugar a day for every man, woman, and child in America. The average 20-ounce soda contains 15 teaspoons of sugar, all of it high fructose corn syrup. And when you eat sugar in those doses, it becomes a toxin.

In an article in the Huffington Post, Practicing Physician, Mark Hyman, MD warns against the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. He goes into detail on how it is processed, the “weird” chemical toxins in it (including Mercury), and how it affects the human body.

Some of our favorite portions where:

“If you want to stay healthy, lose weight easily, get rid of chronic disease, and help reduce the obesity epidemic, the single most important thing you can do is eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet and from your children’s diet. Just banish it from your house.”

“In America today, we are eating huge doses of sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup. It is sweeter and cheaper than regular sugar and is in every processed food and sugar-sweetened drink. Purging it from your diet is the single best thing you can do for your health!”

“What we know, for example, is that chloralkali is used in making high fructose corn syrup. Chloralkai contains mercury. And there are trace amounts of mercury found in high fructose corn syrup-containing beverages.”

“So, high fructose corn syrup is the real driver of the current epidemic of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia, and of course, Type 2 diabetes.”

To read the whole article Click Here