Global Wellness

Chiropractic Care | Lewiston, ID | Joan P. Burrow DC NMD

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Leaky Gut – what’s the big deal?

The gut-brain connection has been well established.

The GI tract, the barrier between the slurry inside your intestines and you, is literally one epithelial [skin] cell thick. The enteric nervous system [ENS], performing as a “second brain”, is made up of the more than 100 million nerve cells that line the GI tract. The ENS begins at the esophagus, ends at the rectum, and provides the connection between mood, cognitive ability, and digestion.

When the cells of the GI tract are not properly nourished, they can lose the structure they need to support proper function of the ENS, and therefore, alter this major gut/brain communication. Instead of being a tightly closed system, the gaps between the cells expand, and the wall leaks [Leaky Gut].

As the amount of room between the cells in the GI tract expands, larger molecules can leave the intestine and flow into the bloodstream. Our immune system recognizes these larger molecules as ‘not good’, and sets up to fight the invaders. This immune response creates multiple food allergies and triggers inflammation. These larger molecules are often toxic, and this impacts the performance of the liver.

We use a natural approach to restoring the gut wall. By restoring the distance that separates the epithelial cells to normal, we can look after the leaky gut, and address many other health challenges in the process.

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Our Sauna Is Up And Running!

Our office has some great news! Our Sunlighten™ Far Infrared Sauna is up and running. If you want to get really healthy then this is a great way to start the process.

Far Infrared Sauna Therapy has been Documented,
to Provide the Following Results:

  1. Detox:  Detoxing without getting sick afterward. It changes the toxins as they come out so you don’t get sick afterward.
  2. Removal of Fat-Soluble & Heavy Metal Toxins:  Most effective far infrared and full spectrum therapy for natural, non-invasive cellular detoxification – only saunas clinically shown to raise core temperature. Quickly expels toxins hidden in fat-soluble cells. Toxins are released through the skin before they reach major organs.
  3. Increased Quality & Duration of Sleep:  Our saunas’ Acoustic Resonance Therapy (A.R.T) provides a calming environment to reduce stimuli and induce relaxation for better sleep. In this case, take your sauna session before you go to bed.
  4. Pain Relief:  Far Infrared heat increases blood circulation by penetrating deep into the body’s joints, muscles and tissues to allow more oxygen to reach injured areas and reduce inflammation.
  5. Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment:  Offers a whole body treatment without surgery or injections. Studies show that infrared sauna sessions can help speed the effects of antibiotics to see faster results and relief of symptoms.
  6. Sensory & Cognitive Issues:  Sunlighten’s FIR technology in combination with A.R.T. will assist in increasing motor processing and enhance creativity and problem solving. Clearing of brain fog.
  7. Depression:  The circulation, relaxation and detoxification that our saunas provide can be uplifting to your overall state of mind.
  8. Boost Immunity:  Increased blood circulation allows more toxins to be released from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health, aid in recovery and boost immunity to help battle current symptoms.
  9. Cold Intolerance:  Proven 95-99% effective, Solocarbon heaters increase core body temperature to alleviate lower body temperatures.
  10. Sound Sensitivity:  Sunlighten saunas provide a soothing atmosphere for those with hyperacusis to find relief. A.R.T. balances brainwaves, bringing the body to a deeper state of relaxation.
  11. Improved Circulation:  Increases blood flow to reduce the body’s hold on toxic metals and helps get nutrients where they need to go. Also increases body temperature to keep hands and feet warm.
  12. Weight Loss:  A 30 minute infrared sauna session can burn up to 200-600 calories! As the body works to cool itself while using an infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Sunlighten’s infrared heat therapy raises core body temperature causing passive cardiovascular conditioning. Your body’s natural response to infrared heat therapy is to increase circulation and sweat. Check out the results with a heart rate monitor and you will be amazed.
  13. Relaxation for the Whole Family:  Creates a sanctuary the whole family can benefit from detoxification, heart health, weight loss, pain relief, cell health and anti-aging.
  14. Cancer Therapy: Far Infrared Therapy has been applied as Cancer Treatment Worldwide for 20 years. Far Infrared Saunas Increase the Production of White Blood Cells, Killer T-Cells, and Interferon which have been shown to Fight Cancer Cell Growth.
  15. Organic Skin Care: Infrared Sauna Treatments dramatically Renew Elasticin-Collagen Tissues while Crow’s Feet, Forehead Lines, Wrinkles, Age Spots, Scars, Varicose Veins and Stretch Marks Naturally Fade Away. Look Younger while you Cleanse Your Body from the Inside Out.
  16. Bullet proof Your Immune: Increased Production of White Blood Cells and Toxin Removal through Sweating combines to Improve Immunity against Chronic Infections, Flu, Sinus, Allergy Symptoms, Germs and Bacteria. Infrared Heat causes the body to produce Special Heat Shock Proteins, which are Powerful Immune System Stimulators.

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Have you ever thought about sugar as a toxin?

Have you ever wondered why in America there is such a problem with obesity, cancer, and other major illnesses? Do you believe that part of the problem could be the food we eat? We do. The food we fuel our bodies with is not always what is best for us. One thing that is not always best for us is sugar and Americans are eating more sugar than ever.

In recent history, we have gone from 20 teaspoons of sugar per person per year to a staggering 150 pounds of sugar per person per year. That is half a pound of sugar a day for every man, woman, and child in America. The average 20-ounce soda contains 15 teaspoons of sugar, all of it high fructose corn syrup. And when you eat sugar in those doses, it becomes a toxin.

In an article in the Huffington Post, Practicing Physician, Mark Hyman, MD warns against the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. He goes into detail on how it is processed, the “weird” chemical toxins in it (including Mercury), and how it affects the human body.

Some of our favorite portions where:

“If you want to stay healthy, lose weight easily, get rid of chronic disease, and help reduce the obesity epidemic, the single most important thing you can do is eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet and from your children’s diet. Just banish it from your house.”

“In America today, we are eating huge doses of sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup. It is sweeter and cheaper than regular sugar and is in every processed food and sugar-sweetened drink. Purging it from your diet is the single best thing you can do for your health!”

“What we know, for example, is that chloralkali is used in making high fructose corn syrup. Chloralkai contains mercury. And there are trace amounts of mercury found in high fructose corn syrup-containing beverages.”

“So, high fructose corn syrup is the real driver of the current epidemic of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia, and of course, Type 2 diabetes.”

To read the whole article Click Here